Monday, April 4, 2011

Some days you just need a kick in the butt

I read this quote this morning, "At least 99 percent of running is just showing up, getting out there and putting one foot in front of the other." - John Hanc, The Essential Runner

This is exactly how I felt today. I walked outside with a requirement of running 7 miles, but I was not feeling up to it. My heart was not really into it, and last week's reduced workouts had taken a mental toll on me. However, I am a creature of habits and lists. I have signed up for a 1/2 marathon training program and that program said I needed to log 7 miles today.

So, I put my music on, set my iPod to record 7 miles of running, and put one foot in front of the other. The more the miles clicked by the more I said to myself, "Let's do this." I really wanted to head home after one mile, but I was headed away from home, and turning around is just not in my mental process. So for me today, showing up and putting one foot in front of the other, and having really good music, made all the difference. After only logging 12 miles last week, I felt rather sluggish throughout the run. It was a slower run than usual, but a better run than Saturday where I had repeated asthma attacks and stopped early due to poor breathing. Today my breathing was better, my legs were sore, but happy in their ability to finish the job. My mind and soul are encouraged by my bodies' ability to overcome mental setbacks and push through that mental wall.

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